[1m(Arthrotí monáda antlías thermótitas pigís neroú
Profíl: I arthrotí monáda antlías thermótitas pigís neroú HStars boreí na chrisimopoiitheí gia psýxi kai thérmansi kai boreí na antikatastatheí apó éna michánima. To sýstima boreí na antikatastísei ton archikó lévita kai to sýstima klimatismoú, i ikanótita psýxis eínai eparkís, i apódosi eínai ypsilí, O katharismós kai i syntírisi eínai éfkoli kai i vathmología energeiakís apódosis eínai 5-1.
Márka: HStars)[22m
Translations of [4mModular Water Source Heat Pump Unit
Profile: HStars" modular water source heat pump unit can be used for refrigeration and heating, and can be replaced by one machine. The system can replace the original boiler and air conditioning system; the cooling capacity is sufficient, the efficiency is high, the cleaning and maintenance is easy, and the energy efficiency rating is 5-1. level.